Centre for the study of wellbeing
Aims to conduct research into contemporary wellbeing related matters faced primarily by, though not limited to, UK Muslims. This will be achieved through creating a dynamic hub of academic expertise within Markfield Institute in partnership with external organisations.
Who is it for?
Anyone who is in service to their communities, in any capacity.
We aim to provide...
We aim to provide...
- Members with an active network seeking to continue their development of service to communities nationally and globally.
- Peer support and mentoring opportunities for members serving communities nationally and globally.
- Opportunities for professional development activities.
Network members will have access to the following opportunities:
- Access to a network of national and global individuals in service to their communities.
- Peer mentoring and partnership opportunities.
- Professional mentoring opportunities from global Muslims leading in serving communities.
- Opportunities to contribute to production of impact based academic knowledge in relation to being in service to communities locally, nationally and internationally.
- Free annual round table discussions.
- Discounted rates for MIHE and specialist training courses.
- Monthly Spotlight: showcasing expertise held at grassroots.
- Members quarterly newsletter highlighting achievements, facilitating the sharing of good practice and detailing opportunities for collaborations.
Join the network
Employed full time
30 per year
Employed part time/unemployed
15 per year
Please note renewals need to be within one calendar month of your renewal date. Membership will cease for non-renewals within this timeframe. Also, ensure you read the code of conduct before completing the application form.
Where traditionally research has been conducted upon Muslim communities, the Centre for the Study of Wellbeing vision is to create spaces within which Muslims can lead on their own narrative and set the agenda in terms of how wellbeing is defined and measured for Muslim communities, particularly within pluralistic context.
Our work focuses on two primary strands:
1. Undertaking research regarding contemporary wellbeing related matters, designed to create impact at a grassroots level, with benefits reaching wider society.
2. Embedding of research and academia within wellbeing expertise held at a grassroots level in order to develop, highlight, share, and provide robust evidence of innovative community initiatives, and further provide opportunities for strengthening such initiatives.
Wellbeing within this context is defined as a holistic approach to health, exploring social, psychological, spiritual, and physical health and wellbeing. Contextual factors relating to living in a pluralistic society is deemed integral to this.
Our work focuses on two primary strands:
1. Undertaking research regarding contemporary wellbeing related matters, designed to create impact at a grassroots level, with benefits reaching wider society.
2. Embedding of research and academia within wellbeing expertise held at a grassroots level in order to develop, highlight, share, and provide robust evidence of innovative community initiatives, and further provide opportunities for strengthening such initiatives.
Wellbeing within this context is defined as a holistic approach to health, exploring social, psychological, spiritual, and physical health and wellbeing. Contextual factors relating to living in a pluralistic society is deemed integral to this.

Dr. Rahmanara Chowdhury
Course Leader for BA and MA Islam and Pastoral Care
Our Director
She completed her undergraduate studies in Ergonomics at Loughborough University. She has a Masters in Psychology from Nottingham Trent University and completed her PhD exploring Domestic Violence and Abuse in the UK Muslim population, at Brunel University London. Her PhD research was funded by the ESRC Grand Union Doctoral Training programme. She is the author of ‘Qawwamoon; Protectors and Maintainers’, and ‘Road to Recovery’, Ta Ha Publishers and is the Head of the newly formed MIHE Centre for the Study of Wellbeing.
Research Projects

Local Democracy Shaping e-Democracy
Dr. Zahid Parvez

Islam at Universities in England
Dr. Ataullah Siddiqui

Teaching Islam via "In-Built" Syllabi
Dr. Ataullah Siddiqui

Dr Zahid Parvez meets the Malaysian High Commissioner to the UK

Graduation 2024
Muslim World Book Award 2024

Enrolment and Induction Day 10th September 2024 9:30AM - 4:30PM

Apply Today- Find the course that is right for you.

Reverend Mark Burleigh delivers his final chaplaincy session

Workshop with the University of Leicester
MIHE hosts international scholars

In Memory of Dr Shabbir Akhtar

HE Level 4 Certificate in Islamic Studies

Muslim World Book Award

We were privileged to host Shaykh Dr Akram Nadwi

Christian Muslim forum had their Eid Reception & Dinner

Ustadah Wifni Yusifa Subhani visit Markfield Institute

Launch of the Markfield Centre for the Study of Wellbeing