Reverend Mark Burleigh delivers his final chaplaincy session

Thank you, Reverend Mark Burleigh!
Reverend Mark Burleigh, the former Head of Chaplaincy and Bereavement Services, University Hospitals of Leicester, delivered his final and farewell session on 1 May 2024 to the current cohort of Certificate in Muslim Chaplaincy students. As a Christian Baptist chaplain, Reverend Mark was integral to establishing the Muslim chaplaincy course in 2003 alongside the late Professor Ataullah Siddiqui, and has been dedicated in his support for the programme since its inception. The current course leader, Ruqaiyah Hibell, thanked Reverend Mark for his continued and steadfast commitment to the chaplaincy course over an extensive period of 21 years and spoke of how much he will be missed by both Markfield Institute’s staff and students. Other staff members, Dr Zahid Parvez the institute’s Rector and Dr Mohammed Aamir Turk, the Vice-Principal also gave their thanks and appreciation for Reverend Mark’s work. Reverend Mark continues his chaplaincy role at a Sue Ryder Hospice.