Dr. Ahsan Hanif is a lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Markfield Institute of Higher Education. He completed his PhD in Theology from the University of Birmingham. His research was on Western Fatwa Councils, their history and formation, as well as their methodologies and impact on communities. Prior to this, Dr Ahsan completed his MPhil at the University of Birmingham and studied at the Islamic University of Madinah, where he obtained his BA in Shari’ah. He has also completed classical studies with ijazahs in the Qur’an and many classical works.
PhD in Theology
MPhil in Theology
B.A in Shari'ah
Research interests
Islamic Law
Quranic Studies
Conferences & Public Lectures
Islamic Guidelines for MuslimPatients with Intestinal Stomas, Heart of England NHS Trust, Feb 2011
Friday Prayers and Nawazil, American Muslim Jurists Assembly,12th Imams Conference, Dec 2014
Creedal Issues for New Muslims, American Muslim Jurists Assembly,14th Imams Conference, April 2017