Muslim Family Law in the Context of English Law
Event details
The three-day course will be led by Shaykh Dr. Faizal Manjoo (Senior Lecturer at MIHE), Dr. Rajnaara Akhtar (Associate Professor, Warwick University), Mufti Asim Patel (Darul Iftaa Mu'adh Ibn Jabal) and will focus on key topics, such as Contract of Nikah; Muslim marriages in English Law; Dissolution of Nikah; Islamic Laws of Inheritance and many more. Lawyers, students of law, Islamic scholars, and those involved in providing family support services in communities will find this course useful to deepen their understanding of Muslim family law. Please register by clicking on the 'Register' button on the right of the screen.
The Course will be delivered from our Markfield campus (LE65 9SY) and the daily sessions will be between 9.30 - 5pm each day